My Spiritual Adoption

Call Kelly Advantage (904) 552-5475

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Spiritual Adoption is a way to prayerfully bond to one particular, yet unknown, baby as he/she begins the journey from conception to birth. Through Spiritual Adoption, you commit yourself to remembering that child in prayer for 40 weeks, thus "adopting" them, until the day that they are born. This is a prayerful way to open our hearts to those who are voiceless and to be a strong witness to the sanctity of all life.

Project Details

  1. WordPress Web Design
  2. Graphic Design
  3. Content Writing
  4. Link Building
  5. Search Engine Optimization
  6. Search Engine Marketing
  7. Social Media Marketing
  8. Local SEO Strategy
  9. Email Marketing


From The Client

Spiritual Adoption is a way to prayerfully bond to one particular, yet unknown, baby as he/she begins the journey from conception to birth. We needed a website that would allow visitors to sign up and receive content automatically each week. Essentially we wanted to drip content to subscribers each week about the 40 week process from conception to birth. Visit My Spiritual Adoption and fill in the form. It's FREE. Kelly Advantage created exactly what we were looking for. Very happy with their work. Highly Recommended

My Spiritual Adoption